Boys in Hoods
I watched Attack the Block , a film by Joe Cornish (of Adam and Joe fame). I don't mind telling you, I was more than a wee bit apprehensive but I have to admit that it has completely won me over. Described as a sci-fi comedy it certainly appears to have those elements sewn up given the production team's credentials, Nira Park and Edgar Wright have production credits, and the premise involves alien invasion, neither of these elements were the key for me. As is often the case with invasion films we find our protectors in the most unlikely guises and here we find a group of teenage 'hoodies' from a high rise estate in Brixton as our best chance at survival. I felt worried about representations at the outset of the film as the gang, composed mainly of black youths, are initially seen mugging a young, lone female at knife point - I thought more of Joe Cornish...I should have had more faith. The gang, some of whom sacrifice themselves in the process, not only save the earth b...