Apes and Apertures
Last weekend I watched films…I’ll give you a couple of minutes to compose yourself. Ok? Ok. I did this at – well I did it at home as usual but I also toddled along with the lovely Hannah to the rather fine GFT . It was here that I was treated to a brace of non-fiction cinematic offerings: a preview of Project NIM , the new film from James Marsh ( Man on Wire (2008) and Wisconsin Death Trip (1999)) and Cave of Forgotten Dreams by Werner Herzog (a chap I personally admire) in 3D because you just need all the D’s you can get. In short, this was thoroughly pleasant way to spend a Sunday and if you'll allow me to indulge myself I'll let you into why I think...y'know...why. In Project NIM James Marsh has sewn together newly shot interviews with stock footage from the 1970s and created a piece of film that is thoughtful, funny and highly emotional – it is impossible not to love the star, he’s like people! They call him Nim Chimpsky! And this is perhaps (part of)...